Title: Monthly Euro Bond Markets Strategy and Rates Forecast
Word count: 10 – 15,000 (BM Strategy); 2,500 (Rates Forecast)
Background: The monthly bond market strategy, DZ Bank’s flagship bond market publication, covers asset allocation and curve strategy, sovereigns, SSAs, covered bonds, financials, corporates and derivatives. Between 2011 and 2022 I turned it around to a publication-ready standard in three and a half days. Unfortunately DZ discontinued the English language version of this publication at the end of 2022. I still translate the monthly interest rate forecast, which presents DZ’s forecast for monetary policy and Treasury and Bund yields, with more of a macroeconomic focus. Translating it effectively requires me to be thoroughly up to date with the financial markets.
Challenge: Working fast while maintaining quality.
The story behind the success: To keep up the translation speed necessary to deliver in a short time frame, I worked with two trusted colleagues on the strategy publication. We split the translation between us and proofread a selection of each other’s work. I work on the interest rate forecast alone. I am fortunate to have a good working relationship with DZ Bank’s analysts, which means I can talk to them to clarify queries and ensure the best translation possible.
Results: DZ Bank were always very satisfied with the quality of the translation and therefore hired us to translate the strategy publication for over ten years, while the interest rate forecast is still ongoing. The analysts are happy that their views are represented faithfully and DZ Bank’s sales force and clients no longer have to put up with clunky style and mistranslations as in the past.
Published in: Click here for one of the final English editions of the bond market strategy and here for a recent edition of the interest rate forecast (N.B. owing to restrictions imposed by MiFID II, I cannot provide editions from the last few months).